Monday, March 1, 2010


Like I told you in my other post that some of the tips from Katusa may definitely not be acceptable to me, one of them is what you are to read, enjoy the excerpts and take ACTION in your BEST interest!!!

Am In Love With New HYIPs

New HYIPS are goldmines. That is one of the strategies I know many HYIP pros use. It works. I always search for new HYIP, make a test spend, then invest big after like 4 days to a week depending on my level of confidence for that program.
New Programs try to go several circles before closing up, most of them have targets. I get in. make it huge and then withdraw and start investing only little, by then, I must have withdrawn and kept my capital and 60% of my gain. I then risk the other, life it’s all about risks.

I will comment on this later, thanks for taking your time to visit my blog, please do comment and also give your own tips!!!

We will all SUCCEED

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